This is a drawing of the field for the new game, Block Party!. The thin lines represent tape lines and the thick lines represent the borders for field elements. You can use it to plan your autonomous programs and do TeleOp strategy.
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FTC Team 4628
This is a drawing of the field for the new game, Block Party!. The thin lines represent tape lines and the thick lines represent the borders for field elements. You can use it to plan your autonomous programs and do TeleOp strategy.
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Today was a 5-hour Saturday build day. When we were waiting for it to start, Mr. Johnson explained an idea for a robot. It primarily focuses on the end game. For the beginning of our season, we’ve decided to focus on the end game over all else.
We discussed what sensors we want, and decided on the following:
We began a Wubi install (which ended up not working) on our old computer to see if it will make the computer faster. We tried turning it on, but the BIOS chooser, GRUB, failed to initialize. We videoed this whole thing.
Hunter and Fletcher are recreating the paper Engineering notebook as an electronic one.
Evan is disassembling the robot, currently it is stripped down to the chassis. Fletcher redid the motor controller setup so that they take up less space. Evan also made the chassis longer.
Dante drew pictures of a new design for the robot and built the game field floor.
Mark is designing new bits for the robot.
Hunter and Fletcher worked on formatting the website.
Mark talked to Mr. Brian Johnson and Mr. Corey Porter. They said that there ought to be a claw on a counter balance so as to be able to tell the weight of the ring. When a heavier ring is picked up by the hand, the counterweight will pivot up which will show that the ring will be heavier and the weight of the counterweight will be greater than the lighter rings, but less than the heavy rings.
The arm will have a limited space to occupy because it cannot get in the way of the platform that the team robot will drive onto, so we had the idea of using a small spring to hold the arm in place which is on a pivot and the team robot will push the arm out of the way when driving onto our robot. We will most likely continue to use the current telescope design for the arm and we are still debating about what accessories we should add to the hand in order to pick up the rings.